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33 posts.
Keld Lobster Keld Lobster wrote it 25. February 2023 kl. 13:54
Thank you for some wonderful experiences you have given me. We have our own boat, a MOODY 422, which is ashore in Brindisi, where we have been for the last 8 years, I myself came back to Europe in 2012 from a trip around the world.
I will be back in Brindisi on March 29th and then sail to Greece for the Ionian.
Are you both still there or are you on your way home.?
carl arable Admin reply by: carlager
Hi Keld,

Thank you for your message. Nice that you like our stories. We have been at home in Denmark since the end of October (we have fallen a little behind with the reports). We are planning to go back to Heron in the latter half of March. Last year we put Heron ashore on the small island of Ægina, which lies a little south of Athens, and expect to sail in this area again this year. Funnily enough, we have met. In Mandraki - the old port of Corfu. We greeted each other but didn't get to talk. Are you going to the Ionian again this year?
Jan G. Jan G. wrote it 17. February 2023 kl. 20:55
Hi Pia & Carl. Very old experience from us: The function of the diesel engine in a pleasure boat takes up 90% of joy, annoyances, speculation and expenses. Your problem may be that you only have two boys who do not have training as (diesel) mechanics. So the chance of such a well-educated family member is, all else equal, greater if you have a daughter....! Chitchat. You will have a lovely summer this year in Heron in Greece. Hope to see you before you leave? Kh. Mette and Jan
carl arable Admin reply by: carlager
Hello there,

When you are on a long journey you have to be self-reliant. You can read about how we got here
Axel Sonne Axel Sonne wrote it 5 January 2022 kl. 22:56
On such a river trip through Europe - where / what did you do with the mast?
I could read of 3 week men rigging it off - but in some subsequent pictures I expected it to lie on some bucks across the boat. It did not.
What were your considerations in relation to the mast, and what did you do with it?

Thanks for many lovely videos.

sailing greeting - Aksel
carl arable Admin reply by: carlager
Hi Axel,
We chose to have the mast transported by car to Port Napoleon. The mast was rigged off at Boeb's shipyard in Travemünde (those are the three men you can see in the video.) The company Fastmast was responsible for the transport and the mast was rigged by Global Nautic in Port Napoleon.

Everything seemed perfect.

But good things cost money and it was certainly not a cheap solution. I have seen more people join forces on transport. Thus, one can get it a lot cheaper.

Some choose to have the mast on the boat. It is of course much cheaper and also has the advantage that you are not bound to sail to where the mast is located. The downside is that one risks damages, which can very easily be much more expensive than the cost of transportation

But as I said. It can of course be done to transport it yourself.

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