Certificate of competence
Only now no one discovers anything

Certificate of proficiency and then CEVNI certificate

It is necessary to take a proficiency certificate before you can take a Cevni certificate

Can you sail without a certificate of competence

"Do you need a driving license to sail the Heron?" several people have asked us about. The answer is no. In Denmark, you do not need any kind of permit to sail a sailboat.

Well, only if the boat is shorter than 15 metres. If it is longer, you must have training as a yacht skipper. Similar rules apply in most other countries in Europe. But not on the rivers and canals. If you want to sail on them, you must have a canal certificate - a so-called CEVNI certificate no matter how long the boat is. Well, only if you own the boat. If you rent it, strangely enough you don't need a channel certificate. 

Necessary with a channel certificate

But since we owned Heron and wanted to sail on canals and rivers to the Mediterranean, at least one of us had to have a canal certificate. 

But first a certificate of competence 

The certificate was available from the Danish Sailing Union. Courses and exams were online. Easy, flexible and reasonably priced.


you could only sign up for the course if you had a certificate of proficiency. We did not have that. So we started figuring out how to get one. There were several who offered courses and who also arranged the theoretical and practical exam. Once both had passed, you could have your certificate of competency issued by the Danish Maritime Authority.

An online offer

On the web we found a great deal. One joined an association. Passed a coastal sailing and guest test, after which you were given access to the course. All online. When you felt sufficiently confident in the material, you could register for the exam yourself with one of the Danish Maritime Authority's censors. 

Price DKK 198 all inclusive. It was furiously cheap.

Member of an association 

I both joined the association and immediately started the coastal sailing and guest test. A few hours later I had answered the many questions. I clicked the submit button. It was acknowledged with an email wishing me good luck with passing the tests and ending with a password so I could log in to the course.

I left the computer to Pia. She entered her contact information and spent the rest of the evening answering the over 400 questions.

But the receipt with the friendly mail with congratulations and password did not appear.

No cheating

The next afternoon she finally got her mail. But what now? It stated that she had cheated and therefore was not eligible for the course. But she could then get her 198 kroner back if she had lost the desire to join the association.


There could only be one explanation. She had come to use my login.

She replied to the harsh email that she had inadvertently come to use her husband's login. 

"I therefore hope it is possible to consider the tests passed?" She concluded her email.

But no. No dear mother helped here.

There was nothing to do but spend a few hours taking the two samples again. This time with its own login.

After a few more hours behind the computer, Pia finally received an email with congratulations and password. Now she finally had access to the course as well.

For the exam

I contacted one of the Danish Maritime Authority's censors and agreed on an exam date. 

In the next month, we plowed our way through the curriculum and solved tasks in sea rules, navigation, sailing planning, meteorology and safety. 

On the day of the exam, we were visited by the examiner and were examined in our theoretical and practical skills. We passed and were each given proof that we have permission to operate recreational vessels of up to 15 meters in Danish and international waters. It kind of already had, since anyone and everyone can drive a sailboat of up to 15 meters in Denmark. 

Well, but it could not hurt to also have a proof of it. Without the certificate of competency, we would not have been able to sign up for the course in canal sailing and get a canal certificate. And without it we could not get to the Mediterranean. 

If only we would sail there on Europe's rivers and canals. 



How tall is Heron?


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Jens Høy
Jens Høy
28 May 2022 8:35

Thank you very much! Very informative. I'm getting started.

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