Oceans of Hope

Monday afternoon we spent an hour going through the house with our tenants. They will live there for the next year. They felt, just like us, that everything has gone very fast and looked forward with excitement to the next year, which also offers new challenges for them. We wished each other good luck with [...]

Second day on the boat

- Now I think it's going crazy again, Pia said when she measured her blood pressure and pulse at the end of the evening. Blood pressure 154/108, pulse 175 and an indicator on the device that said the heart was beating in the wrong rhythm. - Satan, we said to each other, got off the boat and walked on the dark [...]

This is it

After years of planning and months of work, we moved onto the boat today. The house on Langebjergvej - we have agreed that we must no longer call it home - has been cleaned today by a cleaning company. We had obviously misunderstood the time because while we were sitting at breakfast 5 people came armed [...]


Vi vågnede  op ad formiddagen  – veludhvilede efter en begivenhedsrig  mandag. Der var omslag i vejret. Det var varmt og alle vores vejrudsigter var enige om,  at det fine vejr ville fortsætte hele prognose perioden. Hvilket for nogen af udsigterne betød de næste 10 dage. Vi nåede broåbningen kl 15 og sejlede ind i den […]

What a day !!!

At 7.00 Carl can no longer sleep. Gets up and enjoys the day's quiet start inside Christians Havn channel. At 9.00 Carl talks a little with the harbor bailiff and pays him DKK 500 for 2 days. At 10.00 Carl gets a call from the car dealer who bought our Swift at the auction last Friday. He wants the outstanding debt on […]

Quo Vadis?

Tirsdag den 2. august har  Pia tid til en ablation mod sin atrieflimmer på Gentofte Hospital. Den dato er et  fixpunkt. Hvis der ikke er anfald inden da, skal der muligvis slet ikke foretages en ablation. Så vil vi kunne tage afsted umiddelbart efter den 2. august. Hvis  der er anfald  inden da, er det […]

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